kokuou_ji ocs

emjil nozvije

EMJIALAR DJT-NONG | ASSASSIN | THE DECISIVE BLOWA hunter by blood, Emjil is known for his adept combat skill, uncanny stealth, and merciless blade. Quick-thinking, curious, and bold, he can often come off as a bit overconfident and flirtatious, but his soft-spoken, deep voice and eager, genuine demeanor often make it difficult to be upset with him for it. Emjil takes great efforts to learn, and will often find himself deep in conversation with people who are particularly passionate about their hobbies or skills, especially if they're ones he doesn't know. As a man of much love and passion himself, he's often drawn to these people, and though he doesn't quite understand how friendships work, he's easy to get along with-- so long as you don't step across one of his very few boundaries.

birthday/zodiac12/17 | sagittarius
likeshot springs, dumplings, chai, learning
motifspanthers, forest ruins, blades, starry nights
tropesseeker, noble savage, rebel

lyrit aibek

DARK KNIGHT | ARMIGER INHERITOR | LIVING MEMORYA quiet and enigmatic individual, Lyrit is the talk of many, either for his beauty or his heroic deeds. Sometimes, even, for his voice-- known far and wide for how beautifully he can sing. Willing to lend a hand and shoulder most all burdens, this xaela is known for his knightly chivalry...and also his harmless mischief. Having dreamt of being a hero from a young age, Lyrit tasked himself with becoming a figure for all to look up to, even should it cost him dearly.
His penchant for taking on burdens is near-chronic with how often it happens, though the xaela when confronted will simply shrug and smile in the way he does best, a means to voicelessly dissuade a conversation about his rather self-destructive tendencies. This is not an uncommon practice, as Lyrit is not a man known for his conversation so much as his ability to speak without words.

homelandazim steppe/coerthas
birthday/zodiac12/31 | capricorn
likescold weather, smithing, music, nighttime
motifsswords, snowy mountains, the moon, knights
tropesknight-errant, observer, all-loving hero, mother's boy, one-man army


THE HEAVENS' ARMIGER | AZEM'S COMPANION | STARLIGHTUnexpected pariah granted the seat of Azem, Hyacinthus breaks the norms of Amaurotine society in his every day dress, in his bold and often eccentric mannerisms, and in his love of physical combat and forging of weapons. A man of steadfast resolve and confidence in himself and his abilities, Hyacinthus is known among his fellow Amaurotines as a "charming nuisance," and among his peers in the Convocation as a "strong, but uncontrollable being of chaos." Fondly, of course. No one can doubt his honed skill in combat, nor his capabilities for summoning and weapon manipulation, both physical and aetheric. Nor his charisma, even despite his frowned-upon eccentricities.
Of course, a select few of the Convocation are more fond of Hy's antics than the others. Emet has a tired, resigned fondness for one of his oldest mutual friends, and Elidibus was charmed very quickly by Hy's hidden soft-side and sense of duty to people, even if many do not get to see such things. Hyacinthus' greatest regret was his falling out with Elidibus when the world came to peril, and the fact he was never able to have closure or say goodbye to his most beloved.
____Hy is not always Azem in his particular universe, but his personality and relationships are largely unchanged. He, instead, accompanies Azem as one of their powerful companions, and is known for his role as their assisting hand in the wider world.

birthday/zodiac10/27 | scorpio
likesstars, smithing & hand crafting, individuality
motifsswords, stary skies, dance, pastel clouds
tropesegomaniac, swashbuckler, tragic hero, one-man army

m'oe shi

BRAWLER | MAGIC ADEPT | THE NEW SUNA passionate spitfire of an Ala Mhigan refugee, M'oe is the adopted son of a Doman couple who fled to Gyr Abania's countryside. Known for his skill with magic and his sunny hospitality, this miqo'te can also pack a major punch, and is built sturdy enough to carry even a fully-sized roegadyn (provided the roe picks their legs up).
His magical aptitude dulls after a near-death incident, forcing him to pick up monk in earnest, though his sharp mind and magical knowledge do make him a formidable-- and deadly-- adversary for opposing mages.

homelandgyr abania
birthday/zodiac7/10 | cancer
likesfire, dangerous magic, sunlight, sweets
motifsthe sun, bandaged hands, sharp teeth, sunflowers
tropeshotshot, champion, big fun

lio dirwest

ALCHEMIST | BUSINESSMAN | THE STRATEGISTA sharp-tongued merchant son of Ul'Dah, Lio knows the ins and outs of the markets like the back of his hand. He takes no interest in them, however skilled he may be, and instead finds himself involved in healing and alchemy, even despite his short temper. Beneath his icy and prickly face, however, is the heart of someone who does care deeply about others, especially those lesser off than himself, and though he does not ever admit to it, he does sneak aid to the less fortunate whenever he can, and takes failure to save people very personally.

birthday/zodiac1/9 | capricorn
likesalchemy, reading, bright smiles, arguing
motifsglass vials, scattered papers, quill & ink, gentle hands
tropesnerd, good is not nice, combat medic

q'ara eloi

DARK KNIGHT OF THE BRUME | PEOPLE'S POET | BLACKBLOODA quick-witted and silver-tongued charmer and sweetheart of the Brume, Q'ara is one of very few dark knights who swore their oath to expunge the corruption of Ishgard. Though an orphan and raised among the poor, Q'ara has very formal and flowery speech, and takes his job as a protector more seriously than all things, save making the children of the Brume happy with his grandiose tales and songs.

birthday/zodiac11/2 | scorpio
likescooking, storytelling, conversation, song
motifsblack dogs, darkened armor, blood, warm hearths, roses
tropesgentleman thief, knight-errant, storyteller

mehdi bhakta

MERACYDIAN PRIEST | DEMI-EIKON | ADJUDICATOR OF THE SCALESA cold and seemingly ruthless killer, Mehdi is the product of Allagan "ingenuity," a devotee of Sophia whose soul was spliced with both her and Zurvan's aether in a horrendous experiment during their conquest of Meracydia, which altered not only his mind, but his body, making him unstable and incredibly deadly. Awoken by travelers in Azys Lla, Mehdi relentlessly pursues this equilibrium he followed by working alongside the Doman Resistance, given much-needed hope by the people fighting against the oppressors who utilize the Allagan technology he so despises.

birthday/zodiac8/29 | virgo
likesmusic, red bean sweets, curry, dawn & dusk
motifsgold, balancing scales, jewelry, sharp gaze
tropesmonster, loner, magic knight


DALMASCAN TALEKEEPER | LOCAL MYTH | GENTLE OMENBorn with a horn on one side and poor vision on the other, Tael had always been a sheltered child. Protective and frightened parents kept him from exploring the world, until the invasion of Dalmasca split him from his family for good-- per his own choice. Tael has grown since then into a gentle, soft-spoken soul who offers an ear to any who seek him out, and takes it upon himself to keep their stories close to his heart as the one who will remember them, as well as to give those who come for advice what thoughts he has. This has landed him a reputation as a benevolent spirit who haunts the alleys of the city, to seek out when one is feeling lost, lonely, or in need of a gentle hand to guide them to comfort.

birthday/zodiac9/20 | virgo
likeswoodcarving, plants & greenery, soft fabrics, a gentle breeze
motifsleaves, woven fabric, moths, copper, memory
tropesthe watcher, blind seer, the storyteller


STAR SEEKER | HEIR OF FIRE | LORD OF FRENZIED FLAMEA man of northern descent and curious nature, Slaine began his journey as tarnished wandering the lands between seeking the secrets of the stars and their magic. Upon learning more about the world and its faults, however, he determined that all things must be put to an end, and forwent his star seeking in favor of utilizing cleansing flames-- and then frenzied flame, upon finding his answer in the bowels of Leyndell. Even despite his choice to burn it all, Slaine holds much of his mind, retaining his penchant for adventure, goading, and love of the thrill of battle. Just...with a bit more volatility.

homelandthe northern mountains
likesgood food, magical knowledge, a good fight
motifsburning eyes, yellow flame, earthy tones, aged gold

diuma mesch

GRAVE DOMAIN | CLERIC OF OSIRIS | SEEKER OF TRUTHAn astute observer and cleric of relatively unknown origin, Diuma lives by the principle of giving graces to people he meets; one's past does not define their present, but one's present will define their future. He is good at diplomacy and conversation, and takes time to get to know people and their motives when necessary.
This does not make him soft, contrary to his demeanor and appearance. Diuma is a cleric of the grave, and has no qualms dealing out death to those he deems unfit to continue life. He is a seeker of the truths behind people and the world, and is nigh-insatiable in his inquisitiveness.

classcleric | grave domain
likeslearning, observing, lavender tea, history
motifssheer fabric, silver & white, dragon scales, mist
tropesseeker, good is not soft, good shepherd


WILD MAGIC | EONOS OF SOTUS | TRAVELER OF THE EAST WINDAn eonos from a land beneath lush green canopies and filled to the brim with life, Lian is a creature of wanderlust and adventure. He has a curiosity about the magic of the world and the people who live within it, always seeking new places or people to meet and get to know better. He is natrually go-with-the-flow and amenable to talk with, and his memory for geography is near photographic, which makes him an incredible navigator.
Unfortunately for those who would seek to follow him, he has a tendency to wander off the beaten path in search of trinkets and objects, and collects them to keep, both for himself, and at the behest of the god he champions.

classbarbarian | wild magic
likesadventure, sunrise, swimming, seeking treasure
motifslotus flowers, sunshine, lily pads, trinkets
tropeslightning bruiser, bold explorer, gentle giant


BEAST | REVOLUTION'S FLAME | KEEPER OF PROMISESA devil prince of a family in good standing among the hells, Baphomeht fell in love with one of the people enslaved when the hells came to overthrow the surface world, and it cost him his place in his family. Forced to flee after his beloved was brutally killed before him, he has spent many years below the waters, inciting the sparks of revolution among the masses who also fled the conquest years past.
Fueled by a fury insatiable, and a final promise made, Baph has become something of an impromptu leader of this rebellion, and will stop at nothing to see the demons on the surface eradicated.

classbarbarian | beast
likesquiet, infectious hope, images of the old world
motifsblue flame, deep water, dark skies, goat hooves, claws
tropesloner, lovable rogue, monster